Whiplash Agile Podcast

Episode 7: Greg Lahn

In this episode, we're joined by Greg Lahn, a financial services leader and one of the first clients of Agile by Design. Over the past six to seven years, Greg has skillfully scaled his leadership role within the global transaction banking sector at Scotiabank, expanding and modernizing technology-driven services from payments to broader banking solutions by harnessing agile methodologies and transformative leadership insights.

Join us as Greg and host Jeff Anderson explore the evolution of agile practices within a large, multifaceted banking environment. Delve into key milestones in Greg's journey, the pivotal shifts in team dynamics and organizational structure, and the overarching impact of agile practices not only within teams but across ecosystems. Greg shares compelling anecdotes and lessons on overcoming challenges, such as integrating customer feedback and breaking down silos within the bank, which have paved the way for substantial growth and efficiency.

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